City Design
Mingxuan Guo

Sebastia Resident Memory Archive

Sound Archive

In Palestine, there is an ancient village called Sebastia, a land of great significance to Christians. Legend has it that a famous Christian prophet, John the Baptist, was imprisoned here and beheaded. So many Christians believe he was buried in Sebastia, and two churches were built in his honor, making it a sacred place of worship for Christians.

Sebastia is a land with a long history, and there are many valuable heritage sites and traditional cultures. However, these cultures have been controlled and distorted by occupation and war. The Israeli government has made several attempts to occupy and destroy this history and culture in order to expel the Palestinian residents of this land. Israel has made it illegal for Palestinians to go to the Sebastia archaeological sites and has attacked them more than once.

When civilisation is controlled and history is occupied, the people's memory of the land becomes the best evidence and the most valuable civilisation. This project takes the cultural and historical context of Sebastia as a starting point for an investigation into the land's politics and its residents' sentiments. It also uses the memories of Sebastia's residents as the main object of reflection, creating a sound archive of the people's memories.

Sound Archive and Memory

Politics is like oxygen - it's always there.


Politics is like oxygen - it's always there. #


Sebstia Cafe