Mingwei Sun

This project is a survey of some of the changes and events that took place in the Roman theatre in Sebastia. Here there has been the removal of stones, the disappearance of steps and the destruction of niches. The Israeli government took control of the Roman theatre through a series of actions such as the construction of the balustrade. So why did the stones disappear? What changes have occurred in the position of the stone columns over the years? Has the surface of the steps been damaged? The insidious show of the Israeli government is attempting to change the archaeological facts of the Roman theatre. The Palestinian people are putting on a great show of resistance in this land with their culture and their faith.

#Roman Theatre

  • Location of the Roman Theatre and its surroundings

  • The photos of archaeological excavation site

  • Plan of the movement of stone columns and blocks in different years

  • Plan of the surviving ruins for comparison with the complete theatre

  • Reduced view of broken stone columns and blocks

Location of the Roman Theatre

Samaria was the capital of the Kingdom of Israel for about two hundred years. After its destruction, it was re-established as a Roman city and became known as "Sebastia". Near the northern of the temple is the Roman theatre. It was rebuilt by Jean-Claude Golvin with his pen.

Surroundings and roads

The information in this map is about Surroundings and roads in the Roman theatre. It includes the fences that were put up, the steps that were built to gain control, the archaeological artefacts that were moved or replaced, and the occupation points that were set up by the army. The Israeli government has built railings and constructed steps. In this way the Israeli government occupied the area, gaining control of it in an attempt to use the construction to cover up its own despicable acts of archaeological destruction.

Excavation site at the Roman Theatre

Photographed :Ahmed El Kayed

Photographed :Ahmed El Kayed

The movement of stone columns and blocks

Based on: Zayadine [1966 ]: Fig. 3

Between 2013 and 2017, the antiquities and stone columns in the theatre were constantly being moved and even taken away. At the same time, stones have appeared in the theatre that do not belong there. The stone columns have been moved from the side of the theatre entrance near the road to the side near the grandstand. The shifted position of the stone columns can be clearly seen.

Removed and damaged stones

Plan of the surviving ruins

Based on: E.L. Sukenik

The whole stand consists of three parts, including the stone seats, the stone steps and the stone base. All three sections are made up of different shapes of stone.


The three sections of the steps look distinctly different. The steps are distributed differently. Maybe the stones of the steps were carried away during the excavation, some disappearing some scattered in the center of the theatre.

Reduced view

It is a small theater of 65 m in diameter. Its lower part contains 14 rows of desks. It is divided into six sections of desks making seven groups of assemblies. The theater was built in the first quarter of the third century AD.

Roman Theatre in Painting


This is where the niches of the theatre stage should have been. Why is it now turned into a retaining wall? Is this a disrespect and destruction of the site.

Based on: E.L. Sukenik


The current state of archaeological stones

Archaeological stones were left lying around on the ground because of the negligence of the Israeli government. In the course of its management, the place suffered from theft and vandalism. Stones that originally belonged to different locations in the ruins were bashed together. These stones may have been mixed with stones that did not belong to the Roman theatre, which has caused great difficulties in the archaeological conservation and study of the Roman theatre.

Performances in the Roman theatre


Yiru Qian


Jerry Ren (Xuanming)