Melting Artifacts

The object of my research is the archaeological artefacts of sabastia, a small village located in North Naples. The dominance of territory is the heart of a controversy between official authorities that attempt to occupy and separate Palestine via archaeological excavations and related activities- the Israel Antiquities Authority, the Museum Council, the settlers and the Department of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage and residents of the area.

The heritage of the Sebastia has no basic protection measures. The movement, damage, graffiti and disappearance of the Roman columns reflect the lack of absolute ownership of the archaeological remains by the settlers and the local residents. The artifacts are in a dangerous and unstable situation.


At the same time, the division of Sabastia into areas b and c has deepened the separation between them. The Roman columns, symbolic of the local heritage, are pulled between the multiple authorities. Eventually, the waxy columns melt and disappear.




Underground Religion