Moved Shadows

Look for signs that the stones in the theatre have been moved and study how the stones and bleachers have changed in the theatre over the years. The wire is the main material for the railings built in "maintenance". Use the shadow to show the position of the stone on the drawing. The position of the stone was determined from photographs from 2013, 2015 and 2017 respectively. In this small art installation, the stones have been moved out of position but the shadows remain on the drawings. The wire is used to construct the past structure of the theatre stands. The wire bound Roman columns are likened to the Roman theatre enclosed by new railings and barbed wire in the 'maintenance'. Shadows are used to show the position of the stones on the drawings. In this small art installation, the position of the stones is determined from photographs taken in 2013, 2015 and 2017. When the stones have been moved out of position, the shadows remain on the drawings. Through the virtual and the real, the process of the stone being moved is formed.


  • Clay

  • Wire

  • Quartz sand

  • Acrylic


Underground Religion


Palace as Witness